Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Mr. & Mrs. Pineda

I watched Mr. & Mrs. Smith with my friend last Saturday... it was fun! The story was about a couple having secret lives, and though they were madly in love with each other, there clearly were trust issues. The lesson was very timeless: trust, honesty, openness, and respect are key ingredients to a blissful(!) marriage.

As we stepped out of the moviehouse, I couldn't help but wonder if and when Enrique and I have major fights, would we be like Angelina and Brad, complete with kickboxing and all, plus a major kiss and make-up session after? My friend told me that we wouldn't be that aggressive towards one another, laughing as I mentioned to her my initial thoughts.

But going back to the lessons learned...

First, sometimes couples do tend to take for granted the love they have, to the point that they feel that working on the romance is no longer a requisite, thus donning the "too-corny-since-we're-married-anyway attitude." But I believe that this mad, passionate romance should be ever-present between the couple. In fact a have heard of the saying, plus a forwarded email explaining it, that goes: "Anything less than mad love is a waste of time."

Second, regarding trust, honesty, openness, respect. I had a major argument about this with Enrik, and although we have resolved it after I lost my voice, we agreed to uphold two sayings:

1. If one doesn't want to know, don't tell. But if one wants to know, DO tell. (Of course, the person asking should be prepared once they choose to know).

2. If one can keep small secrets from the other, then that person can keep bigger secrets...

So, shall we become Mr. & Mrs. Pineda, ala Mr. & Mrs. Smith post courtship, pre-counselling help? We hope not, and we pray to God to give us the grace to remember the values for a wonderful marriage/relationship/whatever you call it.


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